PO Box 91027, Johnston, Rhode Island
(401) 300-6846 |
Desk Reviews
In today's real estate market, many lenders are requiring a
second opinion of value for your particular property. One type
of second opinion is a desk review appraisal. The property that
was appraised is analyzed by another appraiser to make sure the
value used is logical and properly supported. That desk review
appraisal may include comments and critiques to which the
original appraiser must respond.
A desk review appraisal is especially necessary in this day
and age with all of the instability in housing values due to an
increasing number of foreclosures happening across the country.
Desk reviews can help to verify the accuracy of an appraisal,
especially since an appraisal is only a an estimate or opinion
of value by the appraiser. By obtaining a desk review the lender
is able to receive another opinion as to the actual value of a
specific property. A desk review can be requested or required
for many reasons. A few examples of these reasons could be, the
value of the property seems excessive for that area, a random
appraisal audit or review, problems with a specific appraiser's
work in the past, and some lenders may require a desk review on
every appraisal.
It is important to utilize a company that has extensive
review experience in the field and on the desk. It is also
important that the reviewer has access the proper on-line tools
and data sources in order to perform a quality review.
There are poor quality appraisals and there are also poorer
quality reviews (The rubber stamp). We take this role
seriously as reviewers and you can count on us to provide you
with the true facts.
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and build by Chuck Mureddu |